Petersburg’s Assembly will need to fill a vacant seat next month. At the end of Monday’s regular meeting, Assemblywoman Sue Flint announced she would be stepping down after November 4th. She called her four years of service an honor and a privilege and thanked the community, the assembly and the mayor.
Her colleagues, like Assemblyman John Hoag, were sorry to see her go.
“We can respect your decision. We don’t have to like it though,” Hoag said.
Flint encouraged others to consider applying for an appointment to her seat, which will last until the borough election in 2014.
“I have enjoyed this a lot. People always say it is a thankless position but it is not,” Flint said, “I’ve had tons of support and its an interesting, fun job most of the time and we have a great assembly and a great staff and it would be a good time to run and try it until the election in October.
Later, in a short interview with KFSK, Flint explained she had some minor health issues, “and I really just need to reduce the stress in my life, get back to the gym a little more and that’s the main reason. I just have to take care of my health.”
Flint will continue to serve on the Sales Tax Review committee.