The Petersburg Fish and Game Advisory Committee voted to extend the bow hunting season for deer at a meeting December 3rd.
The proposal would move the start of the bow hunting season for deer in the Petersburg Management Area from October to August. That area which surrounds the town, allows for bow-hunting south of Haugen Drive and 100 yards away from any buildings or roads.
The state department was neutral on the proposal.
The committee decided to bring the bow hunting proposal to the Alaska Board of Game, which makes the final decision. The Board is currently set to meet in Ketchikan, January 20-24, to consider Southeast proposals.
The rifle season for deer in other areas on Mitkof island is from October 1st to November 7th.
The local advisory committee also discussed potentially opening up an elk hunt on four islands in the region. The elk aren’t indigenous to Southeast Alaska. They were introduced to the islands in 1987.
Zarembo, Bushy, Shrubby, and the Kashevarof Islands have been closed to elk hunting because of low numbers of elk since 2006. The committee voted in support of a hunt, but will suggest that hunting permits be limited until the populations can be assessed.
The state department is opposed to opening the elk hunt.
The committee considered removing some of the antler regulations for the central Southeast moose hunt but ultimately decided against it. The proposal would have allowed moose to be harvested with damaged, broken and altered antlers.
The antler restrictions have been in place to discourage the modification of antlers from illegal bulls in order to make them fit with regulations.
The committee considered two separate proposals to open up the Petersburg Creek Drainage Area to black bear hunting. The drainage area is the only area that is closed specifically for black bears.
At the meeting, some members of the public spoke out against black bear hunting in the area and said they go there to watch black bears in the wild.
The committee decided to leave the area closed for black bear hunting.
For a full overview of the proposals, visit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website here.