Author: kfskadmin

Councilor alleges home surveillance by city staff

An already-strained relationship between some members of Petersburg’s city council and several city employees has taken a turn for the worse. The latest allegations are that city employees were photographing city council members coming and going from councilor Bob Nilsen’s home. Some local residents read about those allegations in Nilsen’s paid insert in last Thursday’s Petersburg Pilot newspaper. Nilsen has hired a lawyer and wants city staff disciplined. Meanwhile, city employees say they were concerned about councilors meeting outside the public scrutiny required by state law, but say the allegations of surveillance on paid city time are without merit.

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Viking boys basketball wins regional title

Petersburg High School’s boys basketball team took the region 5 3A championship with a convincing 51-34 win over the Wrangell Wolves Friday night but could not make it two years in a row in the 3A-4A crossover game Saturday. Meanwhile, the girls team lost two at the tournament.

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Economic development group looks at marine haul out options

Early estimates for construction of a publicly-owned marine haul-out facility in Petersburg put the project price tag between $8.5 million and $13.3 million. An engineer hired by the Petersburg Economic Development Council Monday presented his analysis of three potential waterfront locations for a new boat hauling and vessel services yard.

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Petersburg council supports Bradfield intertie grant

Petersburg’s city council Monday supported a state grant for Wrangell to continue study of the Bradfield Canal road and electrical intertie. A draft resolution approved by the council also asks Wrangell and Angoon to drop their efforts to study a hydro-electric power plant in Thomas Bay north of Petersburg. The council and city manager say the resolution is a starting point for negotiations between the communities.

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Fee changes for gym, pool one step closer

Price changes at Petersburg’s gym and pool facilities are one step closer to taking effect. Petersburg’s city council Monday approved the second reading of an ordinance that would raise some of the recreational fees and lower others. The ordinance would also charge higher fees for people who don’t live inside city limits.

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