Tag: NOAA Fisheries

Alaska House of Representatives passes resolution to protect Southeast Alaska’s troll fisheries from lawsuit

The Alaska House of Representatives passed a resolution to protect Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery on Wednesday. House Joint Resolution 5 calls for state and federal agencies to defend Alaska’s troll fisheries from a lawsuit that seeks to hold them accountable for the decline in killer whales in the Puget Sound area.

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Southeast researchers are keeping up with the humpbacks

When animals are removed from the Endangered Species List, who keeps tabs on them? Often, the work of monitoring populations falls on volunteers. This is true of one of Southeast Alaska’s most iconic seasonal visitors – the humpback whale. KFSK reporter Nora Saks spent some time in the field – or in this case, on the open water, with researchers have banded together to keep a close eye on these beloved marine mammals.

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