PETERSBURG-AK A couple hundred young swimmers gathered at Petersburg’s Aquatic center last weekend for the biggest club event if the year – The Southeast Regional Championships. Some of the highlights for Petersburg included Preston Marsh, who took first place in individual points among 13 and 14 year-old boys and set a regional record wwhile taking first in the 100 yard freestyle. His brother Evan took first in the 100 backstroke, setting a regional record as well. He also tied for first in high points among 11 and 12-year olds. Petersburg’s Tessa Hasbrouck tied for second place in overall points for 15 and over girls. For high points in eight and under girls, Maddy Parker took second place while Elisa Larson and Gillian Wittstock tied for 3rd. Petersburg’s 11-12 year old boys also took 1st in the 400 free relay. The relay team included Evan Marsh, Ian Fleming, Vince Kowalski and Abel Aulbach. As a team, the Viking Swim Club achieved 74 percent best times which was the top “best-time” performance at the meet. In overall team points, VSC took third place. Juneau and Ketchikan took first and second. It was the first time Petersburg has hosted Southeast Champs since completion of the new Aquatic Center. Matt Lichtenstein stopped by on the first day of the event to talk with competitors, fans and coaches from around the region:
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