PETERSBURG, AK Governor Sean Parnell votoed funding for three capital project requests for Petersburg. The vetoed projects include half a million dollars for upgrades to for Petersburg’s crane dock, 100,000 dollars to plan for renovating the police station and 150,000 dollars for renovations at the Sons of Norway Hall.
That leaves over $2.7 million in the capital budget for Petersburg area projects. Most of that, $1.8 million will go to fund a commercial vehicle drive-down dock in the harbor.
The Mt. View Manor elderly housing building will be getting 370,000 dollars to put toward a new roof and another 11,000 dollars for kitchen repairs. Petersburg Medical center will receive 167,000 dollars for the first phase of roof replacement. The Clausen Museum will get 30,000 dollars to plan for expanding that building and another 75,000 dollars will help shore up the retaining wall on the museum property. Petersburg’s public library can count on $263,000 in additional state grant money for a new library building and Petersburg’s gun range will see $25,000 dollars for improvements.