Emergency officials in Petersburg say an employee of Petersburg Medical Center has tested positive for COVID-19.
Petersburg’s Emergency Operations Center made that announcement Thursday morning. The positive test came from routine asymptomatic testing for staffers. The person has been notified and is isolating and state health officials have also been notified. That starts a contact tracing investigation.
Petersburg Medical Center has gone to red status, which means restricted access. The emergency department remains open for people with health emergencies or acute needs. Patients with appointments at the clinic may have those rescheduled or changed to a tele-health session. Signs on the clinic door Thursday ask the public not to enter and to call ahead for COVID screening. That hotline number is 772-5788.
Petersburg’s last positive case was announced August 17. Local schools returned to green status this week with all in-person learning after starting off the school year with a mix of online and in-person schooling. The high school also will be hosting cross country teams in a regional meet at Greens Camp on southern Mitkof Island Friday and Saturday, though teams will run the course separately and not stay in town. As of Thursday, the EOC says this latest case has not changed the green status for the school district.
Health officials ask the community to remain vigilant, stay home when sick and continue with hygiene and face coverings in public areas.