Petersburg’s emergency operations center reported active COVID-19 cases in the community are down to ten as of Tuesday afternoon, March 16.
That reflects one more person released from isolation by public health and no longer considered infectious. There were no new COVID cases reported Tuesday.
The community was downgraded to orange or moderate risk status on Monday. Health officials ask the public to continue face coverings indoors around others beyond your household and to limit the size of gatherings.
The state’s chief medical officer and state epidemiologist will be discussing lessons from Petersburg’s outbreak Wednesday, March 17 from 11 a.m. to noon and KFSK will broadcast it live. Questions can be emailed to eoc@petersburgak.gov
Petersburg has well over one third of its total population fully dosed with COVID vaccine after multiple clinics this winter.
Petersburg Medical Center reports 1,232 people who have either received two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one dose of the single shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine. That’s over 38 percent of the total population.
In addition, there are another 195 people who have a first dose and are awaiting their second. Once they’re finished, that will bring Petersburg to nearly 45 percent of the overall population vaccinated.
The waiting list is open to anyone over the age of 16. Register on the medical center’s website or call 772-5545.