Petersburg’s Borough Assembly will meet on Monday, March 20th at 6 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers. 

The Assembly is scheduled to review an ordinance to allow Borough employees — including employees of Petersburg’s Medical Center and School District — to serve on certain Borough boards and commissions. However, the ordinance would not allow these employees to serve in a role that would directly oversee their own employment. For example: a Borough employee may serve on the School Board, but would not be allowed to run for Assembly. 

This is the second reading of the ordinance, which was approved by a vote of 6-to-1 in its first reading. Assembly Member Donna Marsh was the only member who voted against it. The legislation will go into effect if it passes a third Assembly reading, and if Petersburg voters approve it on October 3rd.

The Assembly will also review an ordinance to adjust the 2023 Fiscal Year Budget. The legislation includes twelve budget adjustments. Among them is a proposal to transfer fifty percent of the Borough’s General Fund surplus from Fiscal Year 2022 to the Property Development Fund — the purpose of which is to support the purchase, development, and improvement of property owned by the Borough.

The ordinance would also increase the General Fund attorney budget by $90,000 for unexpected legal expenses from three lawsuits. Among those are Petersburg resident Don Koenigs’ lawsuit against the Borough and Clerk Debra Thompson regarding access to Borough records, as well as Petersburg Police Department Chief Jim Kerr’s lawsuit against the Borough regarding alleged defamation and false light. 

In other business, the Assembly will vote on a proposal that would authorize a $189,000 contract to reinstall seven stall floats, repair a domestic waterline, and move 1,600 cubic yards of dredge spoils to the Borough’s mud dump. 

Petersburg’s Borough Assembly will meet at 6 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers. KFSK will broadcast that live and post the recording on our website, Anyone from the community can join the meeting in person, by phone, or on Zoom. There’s more information on KFSK’s community calendar.

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to reflect that Petersburg Police Department Chief Jim Kerr’s lawsuit against the Borough regards alleged defamation and false light; and not harassment, as previously reported.