Absentee – Early Voting:                                                                                         

Any qualified elector who is absent or expects to be absent from the Borough, or who will be unable to go to the polling place for reasons of physical disability on the day of the Election, may vote by absentee ballot.  Absentee ballots will be available in the Training Room of the Municipal Building, 12 S. Nordic Drive, beginning Wednesday, September 13, 2023.  Voters wishing to receive an absentee ballot by mail must make request for an absentee ballot to the Clerk’s office no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 27, 2023.   Voters may vote by absentee ballot at the Municipal Building through twelve noon (12:00 p.m.), Monday, October 2, 2023. 


Petersburg Borough


NOTICE IS GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, there will be a Regular Election for the Petersburg Borough, Alaska, for the purpose of electing:

Two Assembly members                                Three Harbors & Ports Advisory Board members

One School Board member                           Three Library Advisory Board members

Three Hospital Board members                     Three Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members

Three Planning Commission members          Two Public Safety Advisory Board members

And one ballot proposition for all Borough voters as follows:



Allowing Borough Employees to Serve on Certain Borough Boards and Commissions

Shall Sections 2.10A, 8.02C, 9.02C, and 11.13 of the Petersburg Borough Charter be amended to allow borough employees to serve on the Borough Assembly, Planning Commission, Hospital Board and School Board, except not on the board or commission which directly administers their employment?

                                                ¡         Yes

                                                ¡         No

If this proposition is approved, Assembly members and members of the Planning Commission could work at the Petersburg Medical Center or School District; School Board members could not work at the School District, but would be permitted to work at the Medical Center or in a Borough position hired by the Borough Manager; and Hospital Board members could not work at the Medical Center, but would be permitted to work at the School District or in a Borough position hired by the Borough Manager.

The polls for the election will be open 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on October 3, 2023.  The polling place for the election is the Activity Room of the Community Center.

Voter Qualifications:

To vote in this election, you must:

1) Be a United States citizen qualified to vote in the State of Alaska elections and registered to vote in the State of Alaska;

2) at least eighteen (18) years of age;

3) a resident of the Petersburg Borough for at least thirty (30) days preceding the election; and

4) not disqualified under Article V of the State of Alaska Constitution as recited in Section 2.08.030.