Tag: city manager

New City Manager starts work

Petersburg’s New City Manager has been busy meeting with city staff and other officials and familiarizing himself with local issues. From Borough Formation and Harbor improvements to the new library project and street repairs, Manager Steve Giesbrecht has his work cut out for him. Giesbrecht took the job in Petersburg after serving an eight-year tenure as manager in the similar-sized town of Electra, Texas. As he told KFSK’s Matt Lichtenstein, Giesbecht spent much of his career in the private sector

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Texan accepts city manager's job in Petersburg

Petersburg has a new city manager. Steve Giesbrecht of Electra, Texas has agreed to take the job offer made by the Petersburg city council Friday. The 50-year-old Giesbrecht has been the city administrator in Electra, a community of around 31-hundred people near the Oklahoma border, since 2003.

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Pick Click Give tile

March 31st is the deadline to make a donation to a nonprofit through your Permanent Fund Dividend. Thank You for supporting Petersburg nonprofits!!

KFSK News Position Open

KFSK News Position Open

MItkof Highway Weather Gauge

MItkof Highway Weather Gauge

View Rainfall, Wind and Weather Conditions Along Mitkof Highway Hillside near 5.6 mile

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Mobile Alert Registration

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Homegrown Conversations for Curious Minds

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Petersburg Marine Mammal Center

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Frederick Soundings is an educational radio series produced in collaboration between the Petersburg Marine Mammal Center and KFSK Community Radio