&quot;They have some money and they want to spend it on city roads and possibly even some small harbor projects and they didn&rsquo;t want to plan on something that wasn&rsquo;t our priority, which is nice of them. So they wanted us to work together, probably have quarterly meetings, to discuss capital project priorities.&quot;<br />
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The Petersburg Indian Association already accesses federal funding for work around the community. Tribal Administrator Will Ware says it wants to continue those efforts.<br />
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&quot;We put in about a million dollars a year into roads infrastructure here in Petersburg and surrounding areas. We&rsquo;ve worked with the Forest Service and we&rsquo;ve worked with the state of Alaska. We&rsquo;ve worked pretty well with the city and we want to continue building on those relationships and just doing more for the infrastructure of our community.&quot;<br />
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The city is particularly interested in help improving local harbors. Ware says that&rsquo;s also a possibility. <br />
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&quot;That&rsquo;s definitely something that our council will take a look at and see if it fits in with our priorities. Certainly, it&rsquo;s a huge project for our community. And what we need to do now is to take a look at our budget for the next few years and work with our engineer and see if it&rsquo;s something we can participate in.&quot;<br />
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The association is in the process of rebuilding sidewalks along First Street.<br />
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In addition to road work, the tribal government provides education, housing and energy assistance. It also runs first-time home-buyer and Temporary Assistance to Native Families programs.<br />
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