Petersburg has some new tools to promote itself to potential residents, businesses and visitors. A Nashville, Tennessee consulting firm has completed a report with extensive recommendations on that front, including a new logo for the town.

It’s called branding and the Petersburg Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce and the city started the project about a year ago. It was prompted with input from a variety of organizations and local residents who thought Petersburg wasn’t doing enough to market itself. The PEDC sought proposals and ultimately awarded the 58 thousand dollar branding contract to Northstar Destination Strategies.

PEDC coordinator Liz Cabrera says the firm did extensive research, including two community surveys and fifty one-on-one interviews with local residents. She says they also spoke with tourism and economic development professionals at the regional and statewide level about their impressions of Petersburg. Matt Lichtenstein asked Cabrera about the firm’s findings.

Clausen Memorial Museum is designing a cloisonné pin based on this graphic, which was developed as part of the Petersburg branding effort. The pin will be available for purchase at the museum in June.

After the busy summer season winds down, Cabrera plans to do presentations on the branding project for various groups and businesses around town.