Petersburg’s borough assembly on Monday, June 2 will reconsider whether to hire help for a comprehensive plan revision and vote on a land lease for Scow Bay.
The assembly in early May voted down a request for proposals seeking a company to do a comprehensive plan revision. The proposed plan would look at land use, harbor facilities, land selection possibilities and housing in the community. Mayor Mark Jensen asked to have the issue back for a vote at Monday’s meeting.
In other business, the assembly will consider a lease for three thousand square feet of borough land near the waterfront in Scow Bay. Steve Berry is proposing to use the land for boat repair and refinishing work. The planning and zoning commission recommended moving forward with the lease.
Also Monday, Polly Lee and 45 other borough residents have signed a petition asking the assembly to continue an historic preservation commission in Petersburg. The appointed group would be tasked with preserving areas, objects and historic buildings and promoting the community’s history. Lee is scheduled to speak to the assembly about the issue.
Up for second reading and a public hearing is an ordinance to vote on opting out of the state’s requirements for financial disclosure. That would impact people elected or appointed to Petersburg’s borough assembly, planning commission and school board. The issue will go on the October borough ballot with two more approvals by the assembly.
Ordinances in their third and final readings cover the borough budget and property tax rates for the upcoming year, local camping rules as well as parks and recreation facility fees.
Also on the agenda is a presentation on logging by George Rice. There will also be a discussion about possible sales tax changes that could be on the October ballot.
The meeting starts at noon at borough assembly chambers and KFSK will broadcast the meeting live.