Nick Corpela with Corpela Construction out of Hyder is creating phase two of the trail. Photo/Angela Denning

Nick Corpela with Corpela Construction out of Hyder is creating phase two of the trail. Photo/Angela Denning

One of the most popular trails in Petersburg is getting an upgrade. In a multi-year project, the Ravens Roost Trail is currently in phase two. This part of the process is creating the second half-mile of trail located along the muskeg behind the local airport. The trail will eventually link up to Ravens Roost Cabin three miles up a mountain.

Angela Denning recently walked the new trail with a U.S. Forest Service worker who is overseeing the project.

Paul Olson is the Trails and Cabins manager for the Petersburg Ranger District.

The Ravens Roost trail is closed until October 6.

You can still hike the first half mile of trail from Sandy Beach Park to the haul or service road.