The Petersburg School board is meeting Tuesday at 6 p.,m. in the Middle and High School library.

The Petersburg School Board will meet Tuesday night to vote on accepting grant awards as well as approving other district details.

Karen Morrison, the Finance Director for the school district, will give a presentation to the board on the district’s grant awards for fiscal year 2020. The grants include $126,072 for the Migrant Education Program and $161,731 for the Special Education Program.

The school board will also consider approving over a dozen extra duty contracts for staff that are directing activities from coaching to theater to year books.

The school board will hear about a new annual celebration starting up at the Stedman Elementary School. The celebration is called A Night of Stories and will take place September 19th. It’s the first annual school-wide Title 1 meeting. Title 1 is a federal program providing financial assistance to low income schools and students. However, the Night of Stories celebration will be for all students and families. It will include an honoring ceremony with drumming and Tlingit storytelling. There will also be a dedication of an eagle and whale totem that was made for the grade school, in part, by high school student, George Skeek.

The school board will also hear about a program called “Start with Hello,” which teaches children and teens to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. It guides students to better identify and help others who are showing signs of social isolation.

The school board will also hear the monthly accounting report. And there will be administrative reports from the superintendent, the principals, and the activities director.

The school board meets tonight at 6 p.m. in the middle and high school library. KFSK will broadcast it live. Also, tune in to Campus Connection, a call in show with school board officials at 12:30 today just after the midday news when we’ll hear more about school district issues.