The Petersburg School Board will meet Tuesday night to discuss several items including the State’s designations for the district’s schools. It’s the second year that the State of Alaska has put designations on all public schools. The schools are rated based on different measures of student success like standardized test scores, academic growth, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism. There are three types of school designations: Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement, and Universal Support. All of Petersburg’s schools are considered Universal Support, which is the highest of the three ratings and means that the schools don’t need specific improvements.
The State’s Department of Education started the program last year in response to the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.
Also at the school board meeting, the board will consider approving out of state travel for students in the high school jazz band to attend a festival in Vancouver, Washington.
They’ll be asked to accept the resignation of Mitkof Middle School’s administrative assistant, Charlie Rhoden.
In new business, the board will be considering 18 policies, which would put the district in line with the Association of the Alaska School Boards. Most are updates to current policies but one is a new policy about restrictions for sex offenders on campus.
The high school shop students and their teacher, Dave Owens, have received a letter of commendation from the State’s Career and Technical Education Program through the Department of Education and Early Development. Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter will be presenting the recognition at the meeting.
Starting the meeting off will be a presentation by Mr. Kowalski’s fourth grade class who will be showing off their Superhero paragraphs and iPad art.
The school board will also hear the monthly accounting report.
There will also be administrative reports from the superintendent, the principals, the activities director, and the maintenance director. The school board meets tonight at 6 p.m. in the middle and high school library. KFSK will broadcast the meeting live.