Search Results for: Denning

Alaska’s pink returns cause a low salmon harvest year overall

“Knowing that our freshwater habitat in Alaska is largely intact and is very productive, then you know, you’re sort of left with the question of what happens to those fish when they’re in the ocean and we believe that those ocean condition and survival of salmon in the ocean is largely what drives the strength of these returns,” said Forrest Bowers, the state’s Deputy Director of the Division of Commercial Fisheries.

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Alaska Native blood quantum clarified for who can hunt sea otters

For years, the regulations about who could hunt sea otters in Alaska were confusing. Many thought hunters must be at least one-quarter Alaska Native and belong to a coastal tribe. But a recent opinion from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service confirms that any coastal tribal member can hunt sea otters, no matter their blood quantum.

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MItkof Highway Weather Gauge

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Frederick Soundings is an educational radio series produced in collaboration between the Petersburg Marine Mammal Center and KFSK Community Radio