Tag: Wrangell

Audubon Alaska launches virtual birdwatching trail for Southeast Alaska

Birdwatching is one of the fastest-growing nature-based tourism sectors in the world — and the hobby is soaring in popularity in Alaska. Now, Audubon Alaska is swooping in on the virtual bird boom. The organization partnered with the U.S. Forest Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to create the Southeast Alaska Birding Trail — a free virtual guide to 18 communities across the bird-rich region.

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Pick Click Give tile

Pick Click Give tile

March 31st is the deadline to make a donation to a nonprofit through your Permanent Fund Dividend. Thank You for supporting Petersburg nonprofits!!

KFSK News Position Open

KFSK News Position Open

MItkof Highway Weather Gauge

MItkof Highway Weather Gauge

View Rainfall, Wind and Weather Conditions Along Mitkof Highway Hillside near 5.6 mile

Mobile Alert Registration

Mobile Alert Registration

Information to register mobile devices for National Alert Notices



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Homegrown Conversations for Curious Minds

Homegrown Conversations for Curious Minds

Homegrown Conversations for Curious Minds - a KFSK and Public Library Podcast

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Crab Bait Radio

Crab Bait Radio

CRAB BAIT RADIO ARCHIVE - KFSK fun and satire on all things that can fit into the pot

Petersburg Marine Mammal Center

Frederick Soundings Archive

Frederick Soundings is an educational radio series produced in collaboration between the Petersburg Marine Mammal Center and KFSK Community Radio