Tag: Rae C. Stedman Elementary

Sitka raptors visit Petersburg schools

Owlison the owl and Jake the hawk flew down from the Alaska Raptor Center in Sitka to Petersburg. But they didn’t fly in on their own — they came on a seaplane with their human handlers. The Alaska Raptor Center treats and rehabilitates over 200 injured birds each year — but some can’t be returned to the wild. Some of these non-releasable birds get to join the Center’s “Raptors-in-Residence team,” where they help teach school kids about the natural history of raptors. Two of them visited Petersburg schools in March.

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Petersburg Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter addresses Petersburg School District staffing challenges

Governor Mike Dunleavy announced two education bills on March 7th — one of which is a school staffing incentive that will provide full-time teachers a cash payment each July for a period of three years. Before the Petersburg School District’s March board meeting, Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter said that staffing shortages are high on the board’s list of concerns.

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